Monday, 17 October 2011

A New Idea

We had a 'light bulb' moment today with ideas and set designs. We thought of starting the beginning of the music video with a long tracking shot of the woman walking around pillars. We would start the video with a wide shot of some Hollywood dancers running and crossing over. Then we would see the main girl walking down a wide staircase and then tracking her walking around different pillars with objects on them. A bit like a museum with articles from the narrative on it.

There would be 5 pillars with different objects on them:
1. The zoetrope
2. A photoframe with a crack down the glass and a picture of the husband
3. Jewellery (pearl falling down the side)
4. A Cigarette holder, ashtray and lighter
5. The silhouette dancers fedora hat.

As she passes the final pillar we see her look into the Zoetrope and spin it - this leads us into the following shots of silhouettes dancing much like the Coca-Cola advert:

Our dancers would include the following:
Bethany Quinn
Sophie Ritter
Jess Wilson
Paula Riemann
Megan Flook
Georgina Clarke

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